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Trade Writer's Resource Center
The Trade Writer's Resource Center

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American Society of Business Press Editors

American Society of Magazine Editors

Society for Marketing Professional Services

American Business Media

Construction Writers Association

International Association of Business Communicators

National Association of Science Writers

Society for Technical Communication

Trade Magazines in the UK!

Basic References All Writers Need - a valuable source of new markets and updates! - a ton of valuable resources for the professional writer! --John Cullen's excellent site for writers!

The Freelance Writer

Freelance Writing
at Suite 101

Folio Magazine

For more information about Kendall Hanson's writing services, please contact him

Get in touch! For more information about this book, contact
Writing for Trade Magazines:
How to Add $200 to $500 Per Week to Your Income

Written by a professional who has made his living writing exclusively for trade magazines, this book will open your eyes to the thousands of potential markets you have been overlooking.

More than 10,000 potential markets are ignored every year by writers who struggle to make their writing pay enough to make it a full-time profession. Worse, these writers will do any type of low-level writing job for pennies or for free just to get experience and exposure.

It doesn't have to be that way, says Kendall Hanson, who has published more than one million words in trade magazines during the last 10 years.

"If freelance writers and journalists actually understood what a gold mine trade magazines are for interesting assignments, for meeting interesting and knowledgeable people, for increasing their writing income to a living wage, and even for gathering new ideas for consumer articles, they wouldn't fear making the transition from the safe corporate job quite as much."

Read more about the major publishers of
trade magazines

Writing for Trade Magazines is designed to help writers expand the universe of their thinking, says Hanson. "I was traditionally trained, a degree in English and a rather skewed notion of what 'writer' meant. At one time a writer to me was someone who cranked out elegant prose at a slow, controlled pace, poised for the mot juste, seething with an inward passion to communicate, to connect with a reader," he says. "I also believed writing for trade magazines equalled mindless rote, equalled poverty, equalled failure as a writer. But there's excitement and satisfaction in covering new scientific applications, watching skilled craftsmen work, and following skilled managers through the incredibly difficult jungle of the business world. And that passion to connect with the reader is still there."

For the writer willing to re-examine his or her own prejudices, writing for trade magazines can become a personally satisfying--and lucrative--part of their professional repertoire.

Read an interview of Kendall Hanson at

Available in paperback or downloadable pdf from Dixon-Price Publishing.

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